all in one

In 2023 our organization was commissioned by the Research Center for Neuro Performance Enhancement Veruvis to create a work that would raise awareness on the harmful effects of stress and promote resources that support mental health.

As part of this project, we created AIO - all in one, an immersive interactive installation about anxiety that translates relevant neurological research data into image and sound.

The music in AIO is partly formed by converting EEG signals into musical notes. The video portraits humanize the experience and become a channel for your emotion, expressing through mimics, gestures and movement, various degrees of anxiety.

Artistic direction:
Emilia Păunescu
Sound design:
: Bogdan Moroșanu
Florin Constantin
Coding of interactive interface:
Dragoș Iulian Matei, Andrei Văcaru
Ada Galeș, Alexandra Bălășoiu, Cătălin Diaconu, Cezar Grumăzescu, Denis Bolborea, Denisa Diaconescu, Dragoș Iulian Matei, Ema Alexandrescu, Florin Constantin, Oana Pușcatu, Simona Dabija

"I started from the idea that we are all resonance chambers one for the other and I imagined this unconventional choir that sings your anxiety and helps you process it.

In the space of the installation you drop this weight from your shoulders and let it wash out through sound and the bodies of the people that form the choir. You see your anxiety moving other arms, other faces, going under other peoples skin.

AIO - all in one is a common body, with many dimensions. It has both the overwhelming side of anxiety, that feels like "everything piling up altogether at once", but also the bright side, where we learn, one through the other, that we are whole."

Emilia Păunescu

On AIO’s screens you discover a total of 55 videoportraits, accompanied by 5 sound compositions rendered in Quadrophonic format. All these paired with a certain degree of intensity of anxiety.

The work is interactive and allows the visitors to modulate the sound and image in the space through a simple digital interface. Explore the space, select on the interface the level of anxiety you consider describes how you are feeling and your choice is expressed in the installation through a sound and video composition.